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Pivot window is just like an ordinary casement window with another opening mechanism. Here, the casement - the movable part featuring the glazing - is not side-hung on hinges like a door. Instead, it pivots from the middle either vertically or horizontally from hinges mounted in the centre of the frame. Roof windows also feature the option of a higher pivot point to create more space for standing directly in front of them.

When opened, the catches on the casements are released, allowing it to pivot. This does mean that it is not possible to have a tilt option asis standard with regular casement windows.

ENCRAFT Pivot windows are not limited to roof windows or even rectangles. Circle and oval pivot windows are a very popular option as well as door sized windows which can be used to enterand leave the home.


  • Open vertically sashes, turning through-180*
  • Open horizontally sashes, turning through-180*
  • Friction controlled opening upto-30*
  • Unlock button allows window to open up-to 180* for cleaning.


  • 45mm Outer frame Depth
  • Maximum Frame Height-2100 mm
  • Maximum Frame Width- 1600 mm
  • Maximum Sash Heightupto 2100 mm
  • Maximum Sash Width up to 1600 mm
  • Maximum load capacity -120 kg per sash
  • Internal Glazing options from 6 mm to 32 mm. Single, Double & Triple Glass

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